About the Show
Let’s Dive In started out focused on the world of acting and the people within it. Formerly named The Love of Acting overtime it evolved into what it is today. The current program is two shows in one. One part is a weekly 30-minute topical program where experts are interviewed about an issue we are all grappling with. It is non-biased, fact-based, and meant to be a reliable source of information to enhance the user’s understanding of the topic. The other part is Let’s Dive In Journeys which is 30-minute conversations with people of consequence from all walks of life about the path they’ve chosen, the moments that changed everything, the good/bad/ugly of being them, and their lessons learned. We strive to help our audience become better through the experience of those who have accomplished a great deal. The show is a TV series that is also available as a podcast.
About the Host
Allen Vaysberg, like all of us, has wide ranging interests. One of them is his love and appreciation for people and their journeys. Allen’s professionalism, wit, and a genuine interest in his guests has become the reason why they and the audience have become invested in these conversations.
Allen lives in Chicago, is blessed to have a loving and ever-patient wife, two children, and a rescued dog. He is honored to have this opportunity to share the program with his viewers and to contribute in some way to making another person’s life better.

Upcoming Guests

Guest Testimonials

Timothy Davis
Billions, The Tiger Hunter
At the risk of accusing myself of being half-responsible for a good time, speaking with Allen was a pleasure, and I hope anyone watching appreciates that if anything useful fell out of my mouth during my time on his show, it’s primarily a result of his generosity and grace as a host. A lovely guy who created a lovely atmosphere where we could speak like old friends, or more importantly, respectful colleagues.

Kathryn Adams
House M.D., Red
Allen has a great knack for putting you right at ease. His candid conversation style and engaging questions makes for a most enjoyable interview experience and one where you get to learn a thing or two. Allen is an artist and his enthusiasm and love for the industry and other professionals of the craft shines through in every interview. It was a joy to be on his show.

Casey Sander
16 Blocks, Home Improvement
I had a wonderful trip down memory lane with Allen. After 40 years as a working actor in L.A. I hope some of my stories help those that are on this crazy journey. Thank you Allen for allowing me to share these stories and advice with those in your audience who also share a love for acting.

Lois Robbins
Blowtorch, All My Children
Allen Vaysberg is a smart, thoughtful interviewer. My time with him was extremely thought provoking. Follow him and listen to my interview and everyone else’s. You’ll be glad you did!

Matt Meinsen
Madam Secretary
Head on over to YouTube and subscribe to the the show. It’s a great way to get to know some of the faces you may know, but names you may not. It’s ”Inside the Actor’s Studio” for the working actor!

Sylvia De Fanti
Warrior Nun, Medici
This is one of those interviews an actor genuinely enjoys! Allen’s Love of Acting reminded me how, through obstacles, bumps and sudden miracles, the journey of my acting career is always inspiring. At times, I feel trapped in the conflict of “to be or not to be?”, but this talk with Allen reminded me that the acting is about the living in, and working in the space between “to be” and “not to be”.

Thomas Kopache
The West Wing, Star Trek
I was recently interviewed by Allen Vaysberg. Allen immediately put me at ease, because of his relaxed manner and terrific sense of humor. I felt completely comfortable throughout the talk. He is also thorough in his research, so his questions come from really knowing the subject – you. We had a wonderful conversation. I highly recommend Allen to anyone interested in discussing their Love of Acting!

Nicole Cannon
Transference, CSI
My interview with Allen was a fun open hearted discussion about everything from spirituality, to healing, artistic expression, the human condition and poetry. It felt more like I was chatting with an old friend and am grateful for the opportunity connect with him and hopefully his audience on a deeper level.

Austin Basis
Beauty and the Beast
Allen loves actors & acting. My interview with him was a deep-dive discussion into the inner workings of the acting profession…not into the fanfare that comes with a successful career. This is the type of conversation I usually have with friends & colleagues behind closed doors, but Allen’s show provided the space & platform to invite the public in, much like James Lipton did on “Inside The Actors Studio.” And like Dean Lipton, Allen had done his homework & was prepared with incisive questions- in addition to sharing similar stories of his own. It felt more like a casual, friendly conversation than it did an interview…So, thanks to Allen for letting me talk about myself for almost 3 hours! I just hope we inspired a few actors while doing so!

Bruce Dow
2 Time Dora Award Winner
Through the cacophony of arts conversations now taking place online, “The Love of Acting, with Allen Vaysberg”, rings through the noise and bustle with a clarion clarity. Of all the interviews I’ve done recently – and among those to which I am now listening – Allen presents, not only a well-prepared interview, but an enlightened and entertaining conversation! I’m hooked!

Sugith Varughese
Kim's Convenience, Transplant
Allen’s engaging questions and impeccable research made chatting with him a genuine pleasure. Being that he is an actor himself, we were able to have a wide-ranging insider conversation that I wouldn’t have done with just anybody.

Elfina Luk
The Good Doctor, Skyscraper
Allen’s openness and genuine interest creates a safe and intimate space to chat and connect. A pleasurable and inspiring conversation.